We started our day by meeting at their hotel and then grabbing breakfast at a nearby Chick-Fil-A. We chatted in there for a long while, and it was so much fun to get to know her.
Next, we drove out to where we live, in Lake Wildwood, and stopped by the play park so Sofia could play for a while. She had so much fun!
Here is a pic of Laura and me from when we first got to the play park:

Then, here is just a cute pic of Sofia:
Sofia playing on the big dome monkey bars:

Here's Laura telling me the story of her Klik-n-Kut, with much disdain. She is probably going to kill me for posting this pic, but it's just too good!! :)

Here's little Sofia, a Scrapbooker-in-Training! :)

Sofia had so much fun singing and listening to Brian play songs like Mary Had A Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She sang to us in English and Swedish! She has such a sweet and pretty voice.

Here, Brian is showing Sofia how to play ukulele. She was catching on fast!

She was TOO cute "conducting" the music with this pencil.

Paul and Sofia relax in our backyard swing.

Laura on the patio:

Laura and Sofia take a moment for High Tea. :)

Sofia would like you to have some tea!! :)

Later, before they left, we went to a different Chick-Fil-A for a late lunch. Here is Sofia playing in the play area as we ate on the other side of the glass. Her Papa was making her laugh and it was SO cute!!

Sweet Sofia in the play area:

Group Shot of all of us at Chick-Fil-A: Paul, Laura, Sofia, Me and Brian:

This was such a memorable day spent with great friends! I won't soon forget it and I really hope we can get together again someday! I feel so blessed to have been able to meet Laura and her family!
We both took lots of pictures (these are just a FEW!) so there will be many layouts forthcoming of this great day!
Have a Happy Week, everyone! :)