This week, Brian was on vacation. Monday was our anniversary (13 years!). Tuesday, Mama and Ginger came to spend the night for...Wednesday, which was IKEA Day!! Thursday was a rest day (and I had an awful migraine the whole day, ugh!) and then today, Friday, we got SNOW in Middle Georgia!!! Again! For the second year in a row! That is extremely rare. Today's snowfall was much more than last year's, however.
Here are some photos to recap the highlights of the week:
IKEA!!! We took our new 50 mm prime lens with us and captured some really great photos.
Here is IKEA from the car as we were driving up. I was so excited to see my IKEA again that I had to snap a picture!! :D

Here's a shot Brian took of me at one of the dining room settings in one of the sample rooms. I'm a little out of focus, but I think it looks cool.

Here are more similar photos, of Ginger and Mama:

Here's one I took of Brian:

And one he took of me:

Here's a shot of our awesome lunch at the IKEA Restaurant:

Oh, IKEA, how I love thee.

There are more artsy and cool photos on
Brian's blog. Check them out!!
Then, today was a very rare snow day!!! This happens so infrequently in central Georgia. We did have snow last year, but this snowfall today was a lot more than that. We had so much fun, taking pics, video, and building a snowgirl named Maude.
Here are some photos from the day:

So, those were the highlights of our week. It was fun, but it went by way too fast!!
Hope you all had a fun week as well.