Here are a few I found recently that make my heart pitter-patter. (Don't worry; no kitties were harmed or sold in the making of this post. :D) Oh, by the way, this post is sponsored by the color Turquoise (all images are from House Of Turquoise.)
Oh, to have a kitchen like this. (I don't know whose kid that is in my kitchen, though! :D)
Or this one. (I'm getting a strong IKEA vibe here, and I likes it!)

And this tile work is ridiculously beautiful. (Loving how the lighter color tile on the wall cascades down into the deep blue on the floor!)

And this might just be the World's Most Perfect Porch. For real. (Gah. Look at that ocean view. I would scrapbook right there at that little coffee table. All day. Everyday.)

And this door is just really cool and inspiring. :D (This door is in Brussels. But I wish it was in Macon. :D)

So, these are just a few images inspiring me right now. We are still in the process of making our house "ours"--picking out new fixtures and paint, thinking about changing flooring and thinking about taking a sledgehammer to the bathroom vanity, etc. This Saturday marks one year since we closed on our house! The interior designer wannabe in me is excited to watch it transform into our own little masterpiece.
Oh, I would LIVE on that porch. Just sleep out there. Those are some beautiful pics!! You inspiring me to dream, too!!!
That porch is wonderful. If we had it and the view, we wouldn't need the rest of the house. It helps us to dream. Love, Mama
I love this. I can also see where it would inspire a layout.
The front door is what I was talking about.
Holy cow, awesome 'em all! Though that door probably wouldn't look so good on my ranch house...well, guess I'd just have to have a new house! :)
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