Wow, this week is insane.
First, it's my last week to get all my Scrap n' Art projects done for the September/October issue. I need to turn mine in by the 10th because I'm new to the DT. They are all done and I just finished up the last one this afternoon. It's really cool, but you'll just have to wait until September to see it. :D Oh, and it's definitely NOT a scrapbook layout. :D :D
In other news this week...
On Monday, my Daddy went in for a heart cath. Everything turned out fine; he didn't need any additional stents put in since a year ago when he had his heart attack. We were so thankful everything looked ok!
Then, yesterday (Tuesday), our central air unit stopped working at about 5:30 PM. Thankfully, it rained and that cooled the house down a bit. Brian called his Dad and his Dad said he thought he knew what it was and that he'd be up here early this morning to look at it and probably fix it. So, last night it was about 78 degrees in the house.
I am a 68-70 degrees kind of girl. I like to be COLD. If it is too cold in the house, I will get a blanket before I will turn the air up to a not-as-cold temperature. I'm so hardcore.
But, last night was not unbearable. We had every fan available blowing on us.
Anyway, I was thinking, there is no way this is going to be fixed as easily and quickly as he is saying. It's just our luck. But, he came up here, looked at it, and told us what part it needed. We called around to some supply places, and found one in stock. So, we drove over, picked it up for $36, and came home. He installed it, secured some wires, and voila! Cold air once again.
That man is totally a ROCK STAR.
We thanked him PROFUSELY and he was just glad to be able to help us.
So, this morning it was a roasty 79, nearing 80 degrees in the house, and now it is a wonderful, frigid 70. And that is more awesome than I can even tell you.
Anyway, I am kind of scared to see what the rest of the week holds. At the very least, it will be a bit busy. I need to run some errands tomorrow and then, on Friday, my niece turns 18 (wow, I'm old), and we're having a party for her.
So, hope you're having a calmer week!!