Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love All

Taken last night behind a shopping center near where we live.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sights From A Weekend

Our weekend, in pictures:

Watched this loveliness for much of the weekend.

Saturday morning coffee.

And Trudy.

And biscuits. :D



Our amaryllis, or "Uncle JB" plant. It finally bloomed for the first time!

Black Kitty.


Posting this next one because the kitties refuse to give up this gray shipment bag that we received an order in last week. At first, they played inside it. Now, they've taken to lying on top of it. The system is this: one kitty lies on it and at least one other kitty waits nearby for the first kitty to move, and then takes it over. It's quite entertaining. :D

Lastly, wow.


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